

Salesian Parish Missions

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© 2004 Desales Resources and Ministries


DeSales Resources and Ministries offers parish missions, retreats and other preaching engagements. Consider the following parish mission options and let us know how we can best serve you.

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Mission Options
The following are mission programs already developed. We'd be glad to present any of these in the next season or work with you to design something specifically for your needs.

Each mission program includes:

1) preaching at all weekend masses on the scriptures (with an invitation to parishioners to attend the mission) and presiding as mutually agreed upon;

2) three or four evening services with scripture, preaching, music, congregational involvement, and with hospitality following each night. (Our experience has shown that missions start best on Sunday evenings.) Most often, but not always, the last evening happens in the context of a celebration of the Mass.

3) a collection(s) for the parish that has some parishes showing a profit on the mission;

4) an option of personal availability for individual pastoral work;

5) an option of some work with the school children or the possibility of some daytime programming.

Some Missions to Choose from:

I. Salesian Spirituality Missions

Presenters: Either two Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, or an Oblate and a lay person. Normally, these missions require two presenters.

A. Finding God Wherever You Are : Salesian Spirituality.

Living a full Christian life in one's own situation.

1) Finding God in Prayer
2) Finding God in Life's Decisions and Events
3) Finding God in Relation to Others
4) Finding God in Worshipping Community (Parish Eucharist)

B. Time for God in a Busy World

Consider the holiness of time through the teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal.

1) The Sacrament of the Present Moment
2) The Past, The Gift of Memory
3) The Future, Where Do We Go From Here?
4) Parish Eucharist

C. Even a Hard Life Can Be Holy

Focuses on the spirituality and life of St. Jane de Chantal.

1) A Woman for All Seasons: The Life of St. Jane and Her Relationships
2) Following God's Ways
3) Praying God's Way-the Meaning and Importance of Prayer in St. Jane's Life
4) Parish Eucharist

II. Other Evangelical and Catechetical Missions

A. Treasuring Life (Requires two preachers)

Stewardship themes focusing on the worth of all creation and our challenges to be responsible care givers.

1) Treasuring Yourself
2) Treasuring the Other
3) Treasuring Creation
4) Treasuring Your Church

The following six missions have most frequently been done by one preacher, but are greatly enriched by the presence of a second preacher:

B. Sacred Menu: Eucharist and Forgiveness

Three nights on Eucharist and one on Reconciliation: bringing to life these two sacraments

1) Welcoming the Word: Liturgy of the Word
2) Take and Eat: Liturgy of the Eucharist
3) Responding to the Divine Lover (with confessions as an option)
Go Share the Faith: A Celebration of the Holy Eucharist

C. Heart and Soul Spirituality

The most frequently chosen mission program to date. Basic evangelical spirituality and renewal:

1) Being the Beloved: Identity as God's Own
2) Responding to God: Sin and Reconciliation (with planned but optional celebration of Penance with Confessions);
3) Being in Christ: Ministry of the Baptized
4) A Faith to be Shared: Liturgy of the Eucharist

D. Going Home

Inviting us all to enter into a gospel spirituality and psychology of forgiveness as part of our life style as Christians..

1) Letting Go (of our own sins and failings)
2) Releasing and Forgiveness (of grudges and resentments)
3) Mercy is Ours (recognizing woundedness all around us)
4) Reconciling to Wholeness (a habitual diet of forgiveness brings peace and joy)

E. Dare to Believe

Rediscovering, enlivening and refreshing our faith, which is a gift that is given and confirmed by those around us..

1) Open Home - Hospitality
2) Open Heart - Forgiveness
3) Open Arms - Loving Others
4) Open Door - Release and Trust

F. Called and Chosen

What does it mean to be Catholic? Exploring our Catholic identity through the lens of our seven sacraments.

1) The Call to be Holy (Sacraments of Initiation)
2) The Call to Forgiveness (Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation)
3) Chosen for Healing (Option for Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick)
4) Chosen to Serve (Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony)

G. Telling the Story

The power of God's Word; introducing participants to the way in which we use sacred scripture as the foundation of our Christian life.

1) "Tell Me the Truth!"
2) "Tell Me About Jesus"
3) "Tell Me About Creation"
4) "Tell Me About the Table"


A. All of our missions include a social dimension, inviting parishioners to consider sponsoring a child or an aging person at a Catholic mission site in the third world through *Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. At all weekend masses a flyer is made available either in the bulletin, in pews or handed out by ushers.
  2. CFCA is simply mentioned by a presenter during the homily, and then after communion, a 90 second announcement allows for folders to be distributed to those who want to look at them.
  3. After mass, interested parishioners come to a prepared table in the back of church to sponsor someone or to ask questions.
  4. During each mission night, a 30-60 second announcement is made and folders for sponsorship are available at the back of church and at hospitality.
  5. At no point on the weekend or at the mission sessions themselves will a collection for CFCA be taken up.

    The involvement by CFCA allows us to offer the following financial arrangements:

    One Preacher Two Preachers
B. Mission Stipends $1,250 $2,000
C. Travel and Expenses
Plane fare, and/or gas mileage (current rate) and travel expenses (such as tolls, airport parking...) for the preacher(s) is covered by the parish, as well as room and board (most often in the rectory or a parishioner's home.)
D. Parish Collection(s)
The mission includes no collection for CFCA or for the preachers; a parish can take up whatever collection it chooses at the mission to offset the cost of the mission. (Some parishes have collected enough to actually make the mission a fund-raiser.)
E. Rebate of Hospitality Sales
At hospitality each night, DeSales Resources and Ministries will provide books and recordings for sale to enrich the mission topics. After the mission, the parish will be sent a 10% rebate on all sales as a thank you from DeSales Resources and Ministries.

You may have already reserved and confirmed a date for a mission in your parish. If not, call as soon as possible to get on our calendar, then:

1. Choose a mission you are interested in.

2. Fill out the following parish information and reservation form and submit it to us.

Parish Mission Information/Reservation Form
When we receive this form, we will send you a detailed packet on the specific mission you have chosen and a Mission Agreement to be signed and returned to us with your 50% deposit.

Your Email Address*:
Parish Name:
Parish Address:
(City, State And Zip Included)
Parish Phone #:
Parish E-mail:
Contact Person:
Phone #:
*Selected dates:
Sun.(M/D/Y) to

*Please confirm dates by phone before submitting this form.
Phone/Fax (716) 754-4948 or 1-800-782-2270

Selected Mission:
Number of Presenters:
Please select
Number of bulletins printed weekly (helps us determine quantity of materials to bring):
Mass Times: Saturday:
Closest airport for arrival of preachers:
Will someone be able to pick up preachers if they arrive by air?
Additional Parish Information: (Special needs? etc.)
Special requests by the parish &/or questions for DeSales Resources and Ministries:

Date and Time this
form is being sent

4/4/2005 12:22:59 PM
* Denotes a Required Field

DeSales Resources and Ministries
4421 Lower River Road Stella Niagara New York, 14144
Phone/Fax (716) 754-4948 or 1-800-782-2270
E-mail: [email protected]

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